


Why should you use a retinol based product? You hear about this ingredient all the time because it is one of the most powerful ingredients in skincare. It’s clinically proven to speed up cell renewal, and build collagen.
And one of our favorite Retinol products at The Vanity Lab has to be ZO Skin Health’s Retamax. This product is extremely effective at lightening brown spots, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, smoothing rough texture and acne scars, and reducing enlarged pores. It does this by effectively repairing both the epidermis(outer layers of the skin) and the dermis(deeper layer of the skin).
If you have heard us talk about the ZO skincare philosophy, then you know the secret to smooth, young skin is keeping the cells active. When the skin cells get “Lazy” from aging and over use of thick ineffective creams, the skin becomes drier and dull. Dr. Obaji states that “Retinol is like a bucket of cold water to sleepy skin cells. It wakes up the cells and puts them back to work.”
Retamax is a beautifully formulated retinol product, not only for it’s ability to effectively penetrate the layers of the skin, but also because it is highly anti-inflamitory. Reducing redness, blotchiness. Its also rebuilds the skin’s natural barrier function, meaning your skin will be better able to protect itself from dehydration and everyday irritants.
However, be warned. You will probably hate this product before you love it. As it renews and reboots the skin, redness and peeling do happen. You may even experience some purging (all the clogged pores lurking deeper in the skin making their way to the surface faster). If you want to avoid too much irritation, I reccomend starting slow, building up to using this product nightly. Start with applying Retamax 1-2 times a week,  gradually adding in another night every 2 weeks.
When your skin adjusts, and the peeling ceases, you will be left with brighter skin, smaller pores, and plumped fine lines. Get ready for baby soft, glowing skin.