

As we age, our skin can get a bit dull and to age gracefully, it needs some extra TLC.


At The Vanity Lab, we offer many treatments to help brighten and clear the skin! From a gentle Microdermabrasion treatment to exfoliate dead skin, leaving a smoother younger appearance, or IPL (Intense Pulse Laser) which is a laser that targets reds and browns in the skin to even out skin tone. With a consult we can get you on an anti-aging treatment program that will leave you looking ageless.

Treatment Options

Fractional Resurfacing

Fractional Resurfacing

Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing leaves you with smoother and younger looking skin.

IPL Photo Facial

IPL Photo Facial

An IPL photo facial treats sun damage, sunspots, rosacea, broken capillaries, cherry angiomas, and freckles.

Micro- dermabrasion

Micro- dermabrasion

A type of treatment that uses a diamond tip suction wand to treat dry dead skin, acne, clogged pores, fine lines, and uneven skin tone.

Lifts and Chemical Peels

Lifts and Chemical Peels

Lifts and chemical peels refine pores, improve acne, brighten skin and smooth your complexion.

Our Suggestions